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Cecilia Dobner

About me


For the first 20 years of my working life I worked in IT, and I was lucky enough to have my dogs accompany me everywhere: at work, at my friends' houses, at restaurants, on holiday, etc.


Then one day everything changed. Thanks to my younger sister, I met and adopted Blue, a dog from Italy. Blue is a very sensitive dog, which in the canine training world is often labelled as a "difficult dog", so I had to change my approach. I had to be prepared to adapt to him and his needs and I would no longer be able to take my dog everywhere. However...



...Blue introduced me to a new way of living the canine world, a world that is unconventional and not at all predictable. In order to better understand his language, I had to learn to take the time to observe him with all my senses, without trying to change him, living the present moment.


This more attentive reading of dogs' behavior allowed me to discover a world full of emotions, the dogs' of course, but especially mine! With Blue, I continually learn and relearn to slow down, to come back to the "here and now" and to connect with my emotions before reacting.



Throughout these years, following different courses, I obtained the certification of canine instructor in Switzerland and Italy. I continue to follow webinars and seminars focusing on emotions and trauma.


One of the keys to helping a dog in difficulty is in fact recognising the emotions behind its behavior, and those behind its owner's.



Since I started working with dogs, I have given individual and group courses, as well as the mandatory course in the canton of Neuchâtel, but as I move forward, I feel like I am moving away from the concept of courses.


There are certainly several activities that I teach to my human and canine clients. However, my goal is rather to accompany the "guardians" to shift their mindset and find a way of living with their dogs more as equals. This is why I pay so much attention to communication.



During my "courses" I teach you how to better understand what the dog is communicating and how to make yourself better understood, because through dialogue you can then face all difficulties: pulling on the leash, reactivity, running away, destruction, etc.




Getting to know 
the family



Following the program 

agreed upon

Activities with other dogs

Interactions or sharing experiences

I offer experiences to live with your dogs and guide you as a mediator.


During these experiences I help you live in the present moment and I give you clues to RECOGNISE what the dogs are communicating and feeling.


I organise individual sessions to get to know each other and work out a program that best suits your needs.



The most developed sense in dogs is olfaction, for this reason it's a great place to start when working with our dogs. I propose various activities to encourage the dog to use and develop their flair.  


Collaborative care

Caring for our dogs with their collaboration is only one part of what I teach in this training. In addition to working on treating the dog, I introduce a completely different approach to dog training.


Active walks

Private or small group walks, in diverse environments with all sorts of stimuli, to see together how to best manage the different situations.


Fitness and proprioception

Through games, tricks and obedience, we explore the physical side of dogs. We help them discover their bodies and the space they occupy. We work on balance and flexibility.


Living with a dog

When a new dog arrives in your home... I help you create the foundations for a relationship based on trust and respect. I give nutrition advice and we work together on basic training for the new family unit.


Dog walks

Home assistance: the dog is walked during your absence or when don't have the time yourself.

If you would like more information,
contact me today.

My learning path

02.2024 - 12.2024

Addestramento collaborativo - Corso Pro 2024

Stefania Buonarota



GROUNDING: dogs healing from trauma (Webinaire)

Laura Donaldson



Healing Trauma and Phobia in Dogs (Webinaire)

Annie Phenix



Masterclass Test di Valutazione (Webinaire)

Alexa Capra



Emotions, attachement et apaisement (Webinaire)

Véronique Dubourg, Laurence Soulier, Corinne Martin

  • Cartographie des émotions, fonctionnement, rôle,

  • Théorie polyvagale,

  • Système nerveux autonome



Gestion de l'Agressivité chez le Chien

MIchael Shikashio

  • Reconnaitre les signes avant-coureurs et le langage corporel de l'agression

  • Techniques de gestion sécuritaire du chien potentiellement agressif

  • La défense de ressources

  • Favoriser une bonne collaboration client



Séminaire Autocontrôles et Communication

Sylvia Masson



La teoria polivagale: dalla teoria alla pratica (Webinare)

Alexa Capra



Le chien et le loup (Cours de recyclage FCS)

Joël Dehasse et Anouck Strahm



Interazioni guidate Classi 2024

Gentle Team - Alexa Capra



Aiutare un cane in difficoltà attraverso attività olfattive

Gentle Team - Alexa Capra



Interazioni guidate Classi 2023 (Affiancamento)

Gentle Team - Alexa Capra



Obedience camp 2023

Anna Scelsa e Simona Capacci



Cani al guinzaglio:  come riconoscere emozioni e motivazioni (Webinaire)

Alexa Capra



Teoria Polivagale (Webinaire)

Alexa Capra


20.01-07.05 2023

Corso istruttori cinofili livello 1

Organisateur Gentle Team



3 Strategies to Uplevel Your Consulting Skills to Solve Behavior Challenges (Webinaire)

Pet Harmony - Allie Bender and Emily Strong



Interazioni guidate Classi 2022

Gentle Team - Alexa Capra



Atelier de stretching et massage canin

Sylvie Praz et Vanessa Chapuis



Attestation "Initiation a la méthode du clicker training"

Amelie Wassenberg



Formation en Nutrition féline et canine 

Organisateur École Monde du Chat

Aude Carrez 



DIC - Dimplôme d'instructeur Canin

Organisateur UCS Union Canin Suisse



Formateur et experts au Brevet national de Propriétaire de chien (BPC)

Organisateur UCS Union Canin Suisse


10.2019 > 06.2021

Aspirante ReDog (Recherche de personnes disparues) 

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